York Painting – 28 Years Later

Or so it feels.  Haven’t done anything on this for a while but it’s been a busy few weeks (in which I have been doing other small paintings) but we’ve also been away to York – hurrah!  Apart from the compulsory sampling of delightful chocolates, exquisite fudge, incomparable ice creams (this side of the Med anyway) and awesome bars, it also meant I could re-photograph a few details I need.

With impending despair creeping ever closer like the shadow of Mordor, I have resorted to covering up the painting with a massive sheet of paper so I can’t see any of it except the bit I am working on, which I’m cutting out of the sheet like a little window.  This helps to focus on getting it done rather than being distracted by everything I’m not getting done.  Doesn’t mean these sections are completely finished but it’s definitely a motivational approach.



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