A Bit of Classical Stuff

I love this quote - it combines the four of the main driving forces in my life. (All that's missing is stress and Martini.) O Fortuna - Carl Orff. One of the greatest compositions ever! Annoyingly, I always hear this when waiting for a soft-close toilet seat to complete its tedious descent. Such drama - it's only a toilet. Whoever thought that was a good idea? Am I the only one this happens to?

York – The Neverending Painting

The view from City Screen (top) and the Fudge Kitchen panels are pretty much finished now. The end is slowly crawling into view. I need to tidy up the sky, put detail on the stonework around each panel then complete the Minster, Bootham Bar, Lendal Bridge, Ouse Bridge, finish off Lendal Cellar, blah blah blah. But it's coming together nicely and I still feel this will be finished in the summer. Next update, I will post a full photo of the painting and hopefully it will look slightly...


Fourth painting in my new series. Watercolour and ink, currently in a temporary frame. I saw a bullfinch once (and only once!) - it was awesome. Bigger and rosier than I expected with a really loud song - amazing! As with the others in this series, may sell at some point.

Great Tit

Third painting in my new series. Watercolour and ink. Since we got cats, all the garden birds that used to visit our garden daily disappeared, not very mysteriously, except for these jolly fellows. Great Tits don't seem bothered at the prospect of being a meal, but maybe they just don't taste nice...

Long-tailed Tit

The second in my new series of paintings in this style and I chose birds to practice this with. I love long-tailed tits - they are really acrobatic and are typically in large, busy groups. Really pretty to watch. Watercolour and ink. Will possibly sell at some point.